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时间: 2024-10-07 00:57:43


1. The movie was terrible, I couldn't even finish watching it. (这部电影太糟糕了,我甚至都没看完。)

2. She had a terrible headache and couldn't focus on her work. (她头疼得厉害,无法专心工作。)

3. The weather was terrible, with heavy rain and strong winds. (天气很糟糕,大雨和狂风。)

4. The restaurant had terrible service, we waited for over an hour for our food. (餐厅的服务太糟糕了,我们等了一个多小时才上菜。)

5. The car crash was terrible, but fortunately, no one was seriously injured. (车祸很严重,但幸运的是没有人受重伤。)

6. I had a terrible nightmare last night, it felt so real. (昨晚我做了一个可怕的噩梦,感觉非常真实。)

7. The smell coming from the kitchen was terrible, I think something is burning. (厨房里传来的气味很糟糕,我觉得有东西在烧。)

8. The team had a terrible performance in the game, they lost by a huge margin. (球队在比赛中表现糟糕,以大比分输掉了比赛。)

9. The terrible news of the accident spread quickly through the small town. (事故的可怕消息迅速传遍了小镇。)

10. She had a terrible toothache and had to see a dentist immediately. (她牙疼得厉害,必须立刻去看牙医。)

11. The terrible traffic jam made us late for the meeting. (可怕的交通堵塞让我们迟到了会议。)

12. The terrible smell in the room turned out to be a forgotten piece of food. (房间里的可怕气味原来是一块被遗忘的食物。)

13. The terrible storm caused a lot of damage to the coastal area. (可怕的风暴给沿海地区造成了很大的破坏。)

14. The terrible noise from the construction site was driving us crazy. (施工现场传来的可怕噪音让我们发疯。)

15. The terrible mistake in the report led to serious consequences for the company. (报告中的可怕错误给公司带来了严重后果。)

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