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时间: 2024-10-07 02:45:30


1. The soldiers dug a trench to protect themselves from enemy fire. (士兵们挖了一条壕沟来保护自己免受敌人的火力攻击。)

2. The trench was filled with muddy water after the heavy rain.(暴雨过后,壕沟里积满了泥泞的水。)

3. The archaeologists discovered ancient artifacts in the trench.(考古学家在壕沟中发现了古代的文物。)

4. The trench warfare in World War I was characterized by its brutal and stagnant nature.(第一次世界大战中的战壕战以其残酷和停滞不前的特点而闻名。)

5. The farmer dug a trench to lay irrigation pipes for his fields.(农民挖了一条沟来铺设灌溉管道。)

6. The trench stretched for miles across the battlefield.(壕沟贯穿整个战场,长达数英里。)

7. The soldiers took cover in the trench during the artillery bombardment.(士兵们在炮火轰击期间躲在战壕里。)

8. The workers were tasked with digging a trench for the new sewer line.(工人们被派去挖一条新的下水道线路的沟渠。)

9. The trench protected the troops from the harsh winds sweeping across the desolate landscape.(壕沟保护了部队免受荒凉景观中的狂风袭击。)

10. The trench was a vital defensive structure during the battle.(在战斗中,壕沟是至关重要的防御结构。)

11. The soldiers had to wade through the waist-deep water in the trench.(士兵们不得不在深及腰的水中艰难前行。)

12. The trench was designed to divert excess water away from the building's foundation.(壕沟的设计是为了将多余的水流远离建筑的基础。)

13. The trench was a challenging obstacle for the advancing army.(壕沟是前进的军队的一道艰难障碍。)

14. The trench was infested with rats and other vermin.(壕沟里满是老鼠和其他害虫。)

15. The soldiers used the trench as a makeshift shelter during the storm.(士兵们利用壕沟在风暴期间搭建了临时避难所。)

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