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时间: 2024-09-20 12:58:54


1. Tom and Jerry are always rivaling with each other for the attention of their owner. 汤姆和杰瑞总是为了主人的关注而争斗。

2. Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been long-time rivals in the soft drink industry. 可口可乐和百事可乐在软饮料行业一直是长期竞争对手。

3. The two basketball teams have been fierce rivals for years, always battling for the championship title. 这两支篮球队多年来一直是激烈的对手,总是争夺冠军头衔。

4. The rival company launched a new advertising campaign to compete with our product. 竞争对手公司推出了新的广告宣传活动来与我们的产品竞争。

5. Despite being rivals in business, the two CEOs have a mutual respect for each other. 尽管在商业上是竞争对手,但这两位CEO相互尊重。

6. The rival football fans clashed in the streets after the match. 比赛结束后,竞争对手的足球球迷在街上发生了冲突。

7. The two political parties have been bitter rivals in the election campaign. 这两个政党在竞选活动中一直是激烈的对手。

8. The rival team's star player was injured in the game, affecting their performance. 竞争对手球队的明星球员在比赛中受伤,影响了他们的表现。

9. The rival companies are constantly trying to outdo each other with new products and innovations. 竞争对手公司不断尝试通过新产品和创新来超越彼此。

10. The rival gangs have been involved in a turf war over control of the neighborhood. 竞争对手的帮派一直在就控制社区的问题展开领土战争。

11. The rival factions within the organization are causing internal conflicts. 组织内部的竞争派别造成了内部冲突。

12. The rival siblings were always vying for their parents' approval and attention. 这对竞争对手的兄弟姐妹总是争夺父母的赞许和关注。

13. The rival companies engaged in a price war to attract more customers. 竞争对手公司进行了价格战,以吸引更多的顾客。

14. The two rival nations signed a peace treaty to end the long-standing conflict. 这两个竞争对手国家签署了和平条约,结束了长期的冲突。

15. The rival teams met in the final match to determine the champion. 竞争对手的球队在决赛中相遇,以确定冠军。

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