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时间: 2024-09-29 00:47:33


1. The feeling of happiness was transient, fleeting away as quickly as it had come. (这种幸福的感觉是短暂的,像来得快去得快。)

2. The transient nature of the job meant that she was constantly moving from place to place. (这份工作的短暂性意味着她不断地在不同地方工作。)

3. The beauty of the sunset was transient, disappearing behind the horizon within minutes. (日落的美景是短暂的,几分钟内就消失在地平线后。)

4. His transient presence in the city left a lasting impression on those he met. (他短暂的停留在这座城市给那些见过他的人留下了深刻的印象。)

5. The transient nature of youth is often underappreciated until it has passed. (青春的短暂常常在它过去后才被人们珍惜。)

6. The transient joy of winning the lottery soon gave way to the realization that it wouldn't solve all his problems. (中彩票带来的短暂喜悦很快就被意识到这并不能解决他所有的问题所取代。)

7. As a transient visitor in the country, she didn't have a deep understanding of its culture. (作为这个国家的短暂访客,她对其文化并没有深入的了解。)

8. The transient nature of fashion means that trends come and go quickly. (时尚的短暂性意味着潮流来去匆匆。)

9. He lived a transient lifestyle, never staying in one place for too long. (他过着流动的生活方式,从不在一个地方停留太久。)

10. The transient feeling of homesickness washed over her as she stepped off the plane in a foreign land. (当她踏上异国的土地时,一阵短暂的思乡之情袭来。)

11. The transient nature of fame meant that she was soon forgotten by the public. (名利的短暂性意味着她很快被公众遗忘。)

12. As a transient employee, she didn't have the same benefits as the full-time staff. (作为一名临时员工,她没有和全职员工一样的福利。)

13. The transient beauty of the cherry blossoms drew tourists from around the world. (樱花的短暂美丽吸引了来自世界各地的游客。)

14. The transient nature of childhood meant that he cherished every moment with his young daughter. (童年的短暂性意味着他珍惜和年幼女儿在一起的每一刻。)

15. The transient weather patterns in the region made it difficult for farmers to predict their harvests. (该地区瞬息万变的天气模式让农民难以预测他们的收成。)

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