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时间: 2024-09-29 00:52:52


1. Her confidence began to waver as she faced the difficult challenge. (当她面对困难的挑战时,她的信心开始动摇。)

2. The flame of the candle wavered in the gentle breeze. (蜡烛的火焰在微风中摇曳。)

3. His commitment to the project did not waver, despite the setbacks. (尽管遇到挫折,他对这个项目的承诺并没有动摇。)

4. The singer's voice wavered as she reached the high note. (歌手的声音在她唱高音时颤抖了。)

5. The company's stock price began to waver after the negative financial report. (在负面的财务报告后,公司的股价开始动摇。)

6. His resolve wavered when he saw the enormity of the task ahead. (当他看到前方任务的艰巨时,他的决心开始动摇。)

7. The politician's popularity began to waver after the scandal was revealed. (在丑闻曝光后,这位政治家的声望开始动摇。)

8. The old man's hands wavered as he tried to hold the fragile vase. (老人试图拿着易碎的花瓶时,手颤抖了。)

9. The teacher's patience wavered as the students continued to misbehave. (学生继续调皮捣蛋时,老师的耐心开始动摇。)

10. Despite the criticism, her belief in herself did not waver. (尽管受到批评,她对自己的信念并没有动摇。)

11. 她的信心在面对困难挑战时开始动摇。

12. 蜡烛的火焰在微风中摇曳。

13. 尽管遇到挫折,他对这个项目的承诺并没有动摇。

14. 歌手的声音在她唱高音时颤抖了。

15. 在负面的财务报告后,公司的股价开始动摇。

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