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时间: 2024-11-09 01:10:17


1. The noisy construction work outside made it difficult to focus on my studies. (外面嘈杂的施工声让我很难集中精力学习。)

2. The noisy party next door kept me awake all night. (隔壁的喧闹派对让我整晚都无法入睡。)

3. The noisy traffic in the city can be overwhelming for some people. (城市里喧闹的交通对一些人来说可能会让人不知所措。)

4. The noisy children in the playground were having a great time. (操场上喧闹的孩子们玩得很开心。)

5. Despite the noisy atmosphere, the band played on. (尽管周围喧嚣不安,乐队还是继续演奏。)

6. The noisy fans cheered loudly as their team scored a goal. (球迷们在自己的队进球时欢呼雀跃。)

7. The noisy chatter in the restaurant created a lively ambiance. (餐厅里喧闹的谈笑声营造出了热闹的氛围。)

8. The noisy birds outside my window woke me up early in the morning. (窗外喧嚣的鸟叫声让我一大早就醒来了。)

9. The noisy argument between the neighbors could be heard through the thin walls. (邻居之间的吵闹争吵声能透过薄薄的墙壁听到。)

10. The noisy engine of the old car sputtered and coughed as it struggled to start. (旧车的发动机发出刺耳的嗓音,艰难地启动着。)

11. Despite the noisy surroundings, she managed to find peace within herself. (尽管周围喧闹不安,她还是设法在内心找到了平静。)

12. The noisy festival filled the streets with music and laughter. (喧闹的节日使街道上充满了音乐和笑声。)

13. The noisy crowd at the concert made it hard to hear the singer's voice. (音乐会上喧闹的人群让人很难听到歌手的声音。)

14. The noisy protest outside the government building demanded attention from the authorities. (政府大楼外的喧闹抗议要求当局的关注。)

15. The noisy thunderstorm rattled the windows and shook the house. (喧闹的雷暴震得窗户格格作响,房子摇摇欲坠。)

上一个 【英语】noisily的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】nomination的例句



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