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时间: 2024-09-19 11:34:51


1. Notwithstanding his busy schedule, he always finds time to help others. (尽管他的日程很忙,他总是找时间帮助别人。)

2. Notwithstanding the rain, the outdoor event continued as planned. (尽管下雨,户外活动仍按计划进行。)

3. Notwithstanding the criticism, she remained confident in her abilities. (尽管受到批评,她仍对自己的能力充满信心。)

4. Notwithstanding the challenges, the team completed the project ahead of schedule. (尽管面临挑战,团队提前完成了项目。)

5. Notwithstanding the opposition, the new policy was implemented successfully. (尽管受到反对,新政策成功实施了。)

6. Notwithstanding the economic downturn, the company managed to increase its profits. (尽管经济不景气,公司设法增加了利润。)

7. Notwithstanding his youth, he was appointed to a leadership position. (尽管年轻,他被任命为领导职位。)

8. Notwithstanding her lack of experience, she performed exceptionally well in her new role. (尽管缺乏经验,她在新角色中表现出色。)

9. Notwithstanding the language barrier, they were able to communicate effectively. (尽管语言障碍,他们能够有效地交流。)

10. Notwithstanding the distance, they maintained a strong and lasting friendship. (尽管距离遥远,他们保持着坚固而持久的友谊。)

11. Notwithstanding the uncertainty, they decided to move forward with their plans. (尽管不确定性,他们决定继续进行他们的计划。)

12. Notwithstanding the delay, the project was completed with high quality. (尽管有延迟,项目以高质量完成。)

13. Notwithstanding the disagreement, they were able to reach a compromise. (尽管存在分歧,他们能够达成妥协。)

14. Notwithstanding the risk, they decided to pursue their dreams. (尽管存在风险,他们决定追逐他们的梦想。)

15. Notwithstanding the obstacles, they remained determined to succeed. (尽管遇到障碍,他们依然决心要成功。)

上一个 【英语】nothing的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】nought的例句



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