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时间: 2024-09-28 21:41:51


1. She opposes the new policy because she believes it will have negative effects on the environment. (她反对新政策,因为她认为这会对环境产生负面影响。)

2. The students opposed the school's decision to eliminate the arts program. (学生们反对学校取消艺术项目的决定。)

3. Many citizens oppose the construction of the new highway through the national park. (许多市民反对在国家公园修建新的高速公路。)

4. The senator opposes the tax reform bill, citing concerns about its impact on middle-class families. (参议员反对税改法案,称担心其对中产家庭的影响。)

5. The workers union opposes the company's plan to outsource jobs overseas. (工会反对公司将工作外包到海外的计划。)

6. She opposes the use of animals for cosmetic testing. (她反对将动物用于化妆品测试。)

7. The opposition party opposes the government's new immigration policy. (反对党反对政府的新移民政策。)

8. The community opposes the construction of a new landfill near residential areas. (社区反对在居住区附近建造新的垃圾填埋场。)

9. The activists oppose the use of fossil fuels and advocate for renewable energy sources. (活动人士反对使用化石燃料,并倡导可再生能源。)

10. The environmental group opposes the logging of old-growth forests. (环保团体反对砍伐原始森林。)

11. The parents strongly oppose their children watching violent movies. (父母强烈反对他们的孩子观看暴力电影。)

12. The committee unanimously opposes the proposed budget cuts for education. (委员会一致反对教育预算削减的提案。)

13. The majority of the population opposes the government's decision to increase taxes. (大多数人口反对政府提高税收的决定。)

14. The organization opposes discrimination in all its forms. (该组织反对一切形式的歧视。)

15. The citizens' group opposes the construction of a new industrial complex in their neighborhood due to concerns about pollution. (市民团体反对在他们社区建造新的工业综合体,因为担心污染问题。)

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