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时间: 2024-09-28 21:46:09


1. The ornamental carvings on the antique chair added a touch of elegance to the room. (古董椅上的装饰雕刻给房间增添了一丝优雅的氛围。)

2. The garden was filled with ornamental plants and flowers, creating a beautiful and tranquil atmosphere. (花园里种满了装饰性植物和花草,营造出美丽宁静的氛围。)

3. The ornamental iron gate at the entrance of the mansion was a stunning piece of craftsmanship. (庄园入口处的装饰铁门是一件令人惊叹的手工艺品。)

4. The bride wore an ornamental tiara that sparkled in the sunlight. (新娘戴着一顶在阳光下闪闪发光的装饰性头饰。)

5. The cathedral was adorned with ornamental stained glass windows that depicted biblical scenes. (大教堂装饰着描绘圣经场景的装饰性彩色玻璃窗。)

6. The ornamental fountain in the town square was a popular spot for tourists to take photos. (镇广场上的装饰性喷泉是游客拍照的热门景点。)

7. The ornamental china displayed in the cabinet was a collection of heirlooms passed down through generations. (橱柜里展示的装饰瓷器是代代相传的传家宝。)

8. The ornamental details on the wedding gown made it a stunning and memorable attire. (婚纱上的装饰细节使其成为一件令人惊艳且难忘的服饰。)

9. The ornamental trims on the curtains added a touch of luxury to the room. (窗帘上的装饰镶边给房间增添了一丝奢华感。)

10. The ornamental pillars at the entrance of the building were intricately carved with traditional motifs. (建筑入口处的装饰性柱子上雕刻着传统图案,工艺精湛。)

11. The ornamental clock on the mantelpiece was a family heirloom passed down for generations. (壁炉架上的装饰时钟是一件代代相传的家传之宝。)

12. The ornamental gourds hanging from the ceiling added a festive touch to the dining hall. (挂在天花板上的装饰葫芦为餐厅增添了节日氛围。)

13. The ornamental carvings on the wooden frame of the mirror were exquisitely detailed. (镜子木框上的装饰雕刻细节精致。)

14. The ornamental details on the wedding cake made it a beautiful centerpiece at the reception. (婚礼蛋糕上的装饰细节使其成为宴会上的美丽中心。)

15. The ornamental ironwork on the balcony railing added character to the historic building. (阳台栏杆上的装饰铁艺为历史建筑增添了特色。)

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