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时间: 2024-09-28 21:43:47


1. I need to consider others before making a decision. (在做决定之前,我需要考虑其他人。)

2. Please be respectful of others' opinions. (请尊重他人的意见。)

3. Let's think about how our actions will affect others. (让我们考虑我们的行为会如何影响别人。)

4. He always puts others' needs before his own. (他总是把别人的需求放在自己之前。)

5. The project's success depends on the contributions of others. (项目的成功取决于其他人的贡献。)

6. I want to learn more about others' cultures and traditions. (我想更多地了解其他人的文化和传统。)

7. She is always willing to help others in need. (她总是愿意帮助有需要的人。)

8. Let's show kindness and compassion towards others. (让我们对别人表现出善良和同情心。)

9. It's important to listen to the perspectives of others. (倾听他人的观点很重要。)

10. He is considerate of others' feelings. (他考虑别人的感受。)

11. The success of the team relies on the cooperation of others. (团队的成功依赖于其他人的合作。)

12. We should always treat others with respect. (我们应该始终尊重他人。)

13. She is known for her generosity towards others. (她以对他人的慷慨而闻名。)

14. Let's support each other and lift others up. (让我们相互支持,帮助他人。)

15. I want to be more understanding of others' perspectives. (我想更加理解他人的观点。)

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