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时间: 2024-09-21 10:50:43


1. The heavy rain caused an overflow of the river, leading to flooding in the nearby area. (暴雨导致河水溢出,导致附近地区发生洪水。)

2. The overflow of customers at the store created long lines at the checkout. (商店客流量过大,在结账处排起了长队。)

3. Be careful not to overfill the cup, or you may cause an overflow of liquid. (小心不要把杯子倒满,否则可能会造成液体溢出。)

4. The sink overflowed when the drain became clogged with food scraps. (当下水道被食物残渣堵塞时,水槽溢出了。)

5. The parking lot was so full that it experienced an overflow into the adjacent streets. (停车场停满了车,车辆甚至溢出到了附近的街道上。)

6. The overflow of information on the internet can be overwhelming at times. (互联网上信息的过多可能会让人感到不知所措。)

7. The sudden overflow of emotions brought tears to her eyes. (突如其来的情感泛滥让她热泪盈眶。)

8. The overflow of donations for the charity event exceeded all expectations. (慈善活动的捐款超出了所有的预期。)

9. The city's sewage system couldn't handle the overflow during the heavy rainfall. (在暴雨期间,城市的污水系统无法处理溢流。)

10. The email server crashed due to an overflow of incoming messages. (由于大量的邮件涌入,邮件服务器崩溃了。)

11. The overflow of enthusiasm from the audience energized the performers on stage. (观众的热情激励给了舞台上的表演者动力。)

12. The overflow of garbage in the park was a result of inadequate waste management. (公园里垃圾的过多溢出是垃圾管理不善的结果。)

13. The overflow of traffic on the highway caused major delays for commuters. (高速公路上的交通拥堵导致通勤者严重延误。)

14. The overflow of creativity in the design competition produced stunning and innovative concepts. (设计竞赛中创意的涌现产生了令人惊艳和创新的概念。)

15. The overflow of love and support from the community helped the family through their difficult time. (社区里爱和支持的涌现帮助了这个家庭度过了困难时期。)

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