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时间: 2024-09-28 21:42:59


1. The amount of work was overwhelming, and I didn't know where to start.(工作量太大,我不知道从哪里开始。)

2. The beauty of the landscape was overwhelming, and I felt a deep sense of awe.(风景的美丽让人感到无比震撼,我深深地感到敬畏。)

3. She felt overwhelming joy when she found out she had been accepted into her dream college.(当她得知自己被梦想中的大学录取时,她感到无比的喜悦。)

4. The noise from the construction site was overwhelming, and it was difficult to concentrate.(施工现场的噪音让人无法集中注意力。)

5. The support and encouragement from her friends was overwhelming, and it gave her strength during a difficult time.(朋友们的支持和鼓励让她感到无比的力量,在困难时期给予了她支持。)

6. The amount of food at the buffet was overwhelming, and I couldn't decide what to eat first.(自助餐厅的食物种类太多,让我无法决定先吃什么。)

7. The size of the crowd at the concert was overwhelming, and it created an electric atmosphere.(音乐会上的人群规模庞大,营造出一种激动人心的氛围。)

8. The responsibility of being a parent can be overwhelming at times, but it is also incredibly rewarding.(做父母的责任有时会让人感到无比沉重,但也是非常值得的。)

9. The emotions he felt after winning the championship were overwhelming, and he couldn't hold back his tears.(赢得冠军后他的情绪无法自控,泪如泉涌。)

10. The sheer scale of the disaster was overwhelming, and it took a long time for the community to recover.(灾难的规模之大让人难以置信,社区花了很长时间才恢复过来。)

11. The support from the community was overwhelming, and it helped the family rebuild after their house burned down.(社区的支持让人感到无比的温暖,帮助这个家庭在房子被烧毁后重新开始。)

12. The feeling of gratitude was overwhelming, and she thanked everyone who had helped her along the way.(感恩之情无以复加,她感谢了所有曾经帮助过她的人。)

13. The pressure to perform well in the competition was overwhelming, but she managed to stay focused and win.(在比赛中表现出色的压力巨大,但她设法保持专注并获胜。)

14. The complexity of the problem was overwhelming, and it required a team of experts to solve it.(问题的复杂性让人难以应对,需要一组专家来解决。)

15. The news of the natural disaster was overwhelming, and relief efforts were quickly mobilized.(自然灾害的消息让人震惊,救援行动迅速展开。)

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