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时间: 2024-09-28 23:49:16


1. I own a car that I use to commute to work every day.(我拥有一辆车,每天用来上班。)

2. She owns a successful business that has been running for 10 years.(她拥有一家成功的生意,已经经营了10年。)

3. The company owns several properties in the city.(这家公司拥有城市里的几处房产。)

4. Do you own a pet?(你养宠物吗?)

5. He owns up to his mistakes and takes responsibility for them.(他承认自己的错误并为此负责。)

6. My parents own the house we live in.(我父母拥有我们住的房子。)

7. The artist owns a unique style that sets him apart from others.(这位艺术家拥有独特的风格,使他脱颖而出。)

8. She owns the record for the fastest marathon time in her age group.(她拥有她所在年龄组马拉松最快纪录。)

9. We own the responsibility to protect the environment for future generations.(我们拥有保护环境,为子孙后代负责的责任。)

10. The team owns the victory after a hard-fought match.(这支球队在一场艰苦的比赛后获得了胜利。)

11. He owns a large collection of rare books.(他拥有一大批珍稀书籍的收藏。)

12. The company owns the rights to the new technology.(这家公司拥有这项新技术的权利。)

13. As a parent, you need to own your role in shaping your child's future.(作为父母,你需要承担起塑造孩子未来的责任。)

14. The artist owns the stage with her powerful performance.(这位艺术家以她强大的表演力量主宰了舞台。)

15. It's important to own your decisions and stand by them.(重要的是要拥有自己的决定并坚定地支持它们。)


1. 拥有

2. 拥有

3. 拥有

4. 养有

5. 承认

6. 拥有

7. 拥有

8. 拥有

9. 承担

10. 获得

11. 拥有

12. 拥有

13. 承担

14. 主宰

15. 拥有

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