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时间: 2024-09-21 10:54:59


1. The P.M. of the UK will hold a press conference tomorrow.(英国首相将于明天举行新闻发布会。)

2. Please schedule a meeting with the P.M. for next week.(请安排下周与首相的会议。)

3. The P.M. is expected to address the nation on the current economic situation.(预计首相将就当前的经济形势向全国发表讲话。)

4. The P.M. has proposed a new tax reform plan.(首相提出了一项新的税收改革计划。)

5. The P.M. is under pressure to make a decision on the trade agreement.(首相面临着对贸易协议做出决定的压力。)

6. The P.M. is attending an international summit next month.(首相将于下个月出席国际峰会。)

7. The P.M. has announced a new initiative to address climate change.(首相宣布了一项新的倡议来应对气候变化。)

8. The P.M. is meeting with foreign leaders to discuss diplomatic relations.(首相正在与外国领导人会晤,讨论外交关系。)

9. The P.M. is facing criticism from the opposition party.(首相正面临来自反对党的批评。)

10. The P.M. has expressed condolences to the victims of the natural disaster.(首相向自然灾害的受害者表示慰问。)

11. The P.M. has announced a new healthcare reform plan.(首相宣布了一项新的医疗改革计划。)

12. The P.M. has emphasized the importance of education in his recent speech.(首相在最近的讲话中强调了教育的重要性。)

13. The P.M. has called for unity in the face of national challenges.(首相号召在面对国家挑战时团结一致。)

14. The P.M. is expected to visit the disaster-affected areas next week.(预计首相将于下周访问受灾地区。)

15. The P.M. has announced a plan to stimulate economic growth.(首相宣布了一项刺激经济增长的计划。)

P.M. 指的是 Prime Minister(首相),通常用于表示某个国家的政府首脑。

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