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时间: 2024-09-22 06:55:21


1. She looked pale after the long hike in the sun. 她在阳光下长时间徒步后脸色苍白。

2. The pale moonlight illuminated the garden. 苍白的月光照亮了花园。

3. His face turned pale when he heard the bad news. 听到坏消息时,他的脸色变得苍白。

4. The pale blue walls gave the room a calming atmosphere. 苍白的蓝色墙壁给房间带来了宁静的氛围。

5. The patient's pale complexion indicated anemia. 病人苍白的面色表明他贫血了。

6. She wore a pale pink dress to the party. 她穿了一件淡粉色的连衣裙去参加派对。

7. The pale sun struggled to break through the thick clouds. 苍白的太阳努力地穿透浓密的云层。

8. The old painting had faded to a pale shadow of its former glory. 这幅老画已经褪色成了昔日辉煌的苍白影子。

9. Her smile was pale, lacking its usual warmth. 她的微笑苍白无力,失去了往日的温暖。

10. The pale sand stretched as far as the eye could see. 苍白的沙子一直延伸到眼睛所能及的地方。

11. The pale light of dawn crept through the window. 苍白的晨光从窗户透进来。

12. He was pale with shock after the accident. 事故发生后,他吓得脸色苍白。

13. The pale moon hung in the sky like a ghostly lantern. 苍白的月亮挂在天空中,像一个幽灵般的灯笼。

14. The pale flowers wilted in the heat of the afternoon. 苍白的花朵在午后的炎热中枯萎了。

15. Her lips were pale with fear as she recounted the terrifying experience. 她讲述恐怖经历时,嘴唇因害怕而变得苍白。

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