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时间: 2024-09-17 13:48:37


1. Walking home, she enjoyed the peaceful evening.(她走着回家,享受着宁静的夜晚。)

2. The broken window was quickly repaired by the maintenance crew.(维修人员迅速修理了破损的窗户。)

3. Excited about the news, he called all his friends to share it.(他对这个消息感到兴奋,于是给所有朋友打电话分享。)

4. Written in a hurry, the report had many errors.(匆匆写成的报告有很多错误。)

5. Surprised by the sudden noise, the cat ran away.(被突然的噪音吓了一跳,猫跑了。)

6. Exhausted from the long day, she fell asleep as soon as she got home.(整整一天的劳累使她一到家就睡着了。)

7. The children, excited about the upcoming vacation, couldn't focus on their homework.(孩子们对即将到来的假期感到兴奋,无法集中精力做作业。)

8. Lost in thought, he almost missed his bus stop.(陷入沉思中,他差点错过了下车站。)

9. The movie, directed by a famous director, was a big hit at the box office.(这部电影由一位著名导演执导,在票房大获成功。)

10. The worn-out shoes needed to be replaced.(破旧的鞋子需要被替换。)

11. Confused by the complicated instructions, he asked for help.(被复杂的说明弄得迷惑,他请求帮助。)

12. The excited dog wagged its tail eagerly.(兴奋的狗迫不及待地摇着尾巴。)

13. Pleased with the result, she smiled brightly.(对结果感到满意,她灿烂地微笑着。)

14. The crying baby was comforted by its mother.(哭泣的婴儿被母亲安慰了。)

15. The broken vase, a family heirloom, was irreparably damaged.(这个破损的花瓶是家传宝物,已经无法修复。)


1. Walking home, she enjoyed the peaceful evening.(她走着回家,享受着宁静的夜晚。)


2. The broken window was quickly repaired by the maintenance crew.(维修人员迅速修理了破损的窗户。)


3. Excited about the news, he called all his friends to share it.(他对这个消息感到兴奋,于是给所有朋友打电话分享。)


4. Written in a hurry, the report had many errors.(匆匆写成的报告有很多错误。)


5. Surprised by the sudden noise, the cat ran away.(被突然的噪音吓了一跳,猫跑了。)


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