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时间: 2024-09-19 11:51:46


1. Many people attended the concert last night.(昨晚有许多人参加了音乐会。)

2. Some people prefer to work in a team, while others prefer to work alone.(有些人喜欢在团队中工作,而有些人更喜欢独自工作。)

3. People from all over the world come to visit the famous landmark.(来自世界各地的人们前来参观这个著名的地标。)

4. It's important to be respectful of other people's opinions.(尊重他人的意见是很重要的。)

5. The festival is a great opportunity to meet new people and make friends.(这个节日是结识新朋友、交友的好机会。)

6. Some people believe in fate, while others believe in creating their own destiny.(有些人相信命运,而有些人相信自己创造自己的命运。)

7. People should be mindful of their environmental impact.(人们应该注意自己对环境的影响。)

8. The museum is always crowded with people eager to learn about history and art.(博物馆里总是挤满了渴望了解历史和艺术的人。)

9. People often underestimate the power of a simple act of kindness.(人们常常低估了一次简单的善举的力量。)

10. It's important to remember that people have different backgrounds and experiences.(记住人们有不同的背景和经历是很重要的。)

11. Some people are naturally outgoing, while others are more introverted.(有些人天生外向,而有些人更内向。)

12. People come together to celebrate the holiday with food, music, and dancing.(人们聚在一起用食物、音乐和舞蹈来庆祝节日。)

13. People who exercise regularly tend to have better physical and mental health.(经常锻炼的人通常有更好的身体和心理健康。)

14. The charity event raised a lot of money thanks to the generosity of the people in the community.(由于社区人民的慷慨,慈善活动筹集了大量资金。)

15. People often find inspiration in nature's beauty.(人们常常从大自然的美丽中找到灵感。)

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