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时间: 2024-09-20 08:21:36


1. The company plans to restructure its operations to improve efficiency and reduce costs.(公司计划重组其业务,以提高效率并降低成本。)

2. The new CEO's first task was to restructure the management team to better align with the company's strategic goals.(新任CEO的首要任务是重组管理团队,以更好地与公司的战略目标保持一致。)

3. The government announced a plan to restructure the healthcare system to provide better access to medical services for all citizens.(政府宣布了一项重组医疗系统的计划,以为所有公民提供更好的医疗服务。)

4. The struggling airline had to restructure its debt in order to avoid bankruptcy.(陷入困境的航空公司不得不重组其债务,以避免破产。)

5. The university decided to restructure its academic departments to better support interdisciplinary research and collaboration.(大学决定重组其学术部门,以更好地支持跨学科研究和合作。)

6. The company's restructure led to layoffs and job reassignments for many employees.(公司的重组导致了许多员工的裁员和岗位重新分配。)

7. The board of directors is considering a plan to restructure the company's ownership and governance structure.(董事会正在考虑一项重组公司所有权和治理结构的计划。)

8. The nonprofit organization underwent a major restructure in order to streamline its operations and focus on its core mission.(非营利组织进行了一次重大重组,以简化其运营并专注于其核心使命。)

9. The restructure of the manufacturing process resulted in significant cost savings for the company.(制造流程的重组为公司带来了显著的成本节约。)

10. After the merger, the two companies had to restructure their combined workforce to eliminate redundancies.(合并后,两家公司不得不重组其合并后的工作人员,以消除冗余。)

11. The restructure of the sales department led to a more efficient allocation of resources and improved customer service.(销售部门的重组导致了资源更高效的分配和客户服务的改善。)

12. The government is seeking to restructure the tax system to make it fairer and more efficient.(政府正在寻求重组税收体系,使其更加公平和高效。)

13. The restructure of the company's supply chain resulted in faster delivery times and reduced inventory costs.(公司供应链的重组导致了更快的交货时间和降低的库存成本。)

14. Following the financial crisis, the bank had to restructure its loan portfolio to minimize risk.(在金融危机之后,该银行不得不重组其贷款组合,以最小化风险。)

15. The restructure of the organization led to a more streamlined decision-making process and clearer lines of authority.(组织的重组导致了更简化的决策过程和更清晰的权力范围。)

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