时间: 2024-11-08 22:35:09
1. The phone began to ring just as I was about to leave the house. (电话响了起来,就在我准备离开家的时候。)
2. She wore a beautiful diamond ring on her finger. (她戴在手指上一枚漂亮的钻石戒指。)
3. The sound of the church bells ringing filled the air. (教堂钟声响彻空气。)
4. The boxer entered the ring and prepared for the match. (拳击手进入拳击场,准备比赛。)
5. The ring of keys jangled as she searched for the right one. (她找钥匙的时候,那串钥匙发出叮当声。)
6. He had to ring the doorbell several times before anyone answered. (他不得不多次按门铃才有人回应。)
7. The circus performers entertained the audience with their daring acts in the ring. (马戏团的表演者在马戏场上以他们的大胆表演娱乐观众。)
8. The alarm clock began to ring, signaling the start of a new day. (闹钟开始响起,标志着新的一天开始了。)
9. The ring of fire around the campsite kept the wild animals away. (篝火周围的火圈让野生动物远离了露营地。)
10. She felt a sense of excitement as she heard the ring of the ice cream truck approaching. (听到冰淇淋车的铃声越来越近,她感到兴奋。)
11. The boxer took a hard hit to the jaw in the ring. (拳击手在拳击场上下了一记重拳打在下巴上。)
12. The sound of the doorbell ringing echoed through the house. (门铃的声音在房子里回荡。)
13. The engagement ring symbolized their commitment to each other. (订婚戒指象征着他们之间的承诺。)
14. The ring of laughter filled the room as the comedian told his jokes. (当喜剧演员讲笑话时,笑声充满了整个房间。)
15. The hiker heard the distant ring of cowbells as he trekked through the mountain meadow. (徒步旅行者在穿越山间草地时听到了遥远的牛铃声。)
1. 电话响了起来,就在我准备离开家的时候。
2. 她戴在手指上一枚漂亮的钻石戒指。
3. 教堂钟声响彻空气。
4. 拳击手进入拳击场,准备比赛。
5. 她找钥匙的时候,那串钥匙发出叮当声。
6. 他不得不多次按门铃才有人回应。
7. 马戏团的表演者在马戏场上以他们的大胆表演娱乐观众。
8. 闹钟开始响起,标志着新的一天开始了。
9. 篝火周围的火圈让野生动物远离了露营地。
10. 听到冰淇淋车的铃声越来越近,她感到兴奋。
11. 拳击手在拳击场上下了一记重拳打在下巴上。
12. 门铃的声音在房子里回荡。
13. 订婚戒指象征着他们之间的承诺。
14. 当喜剧演员讲笑话时,笑声充满了整个房间。
15. 徒步旅行者在穿越山间草地时听到了遥远的牛铃声。