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时间: 2024-11-08 18:10:49


1. There was a riot in the streets after the controversial verdict was announced. (在争议的裁决宣布后,街上爆发了骚乱。)

2. The soccer match turned into a riot when the fans clashed with the police. (足球比赛变成了一场暴乱,球迷与警察发生了冲突。)

3. The prison riot resulted in several injuries and extensive damage to the facility. (监狱暴乱导致多人受伤,设施遭到严重破坏。)

4. The controversial speaker's appearance sparked a riot at the university campus. (备受争议的演讲者的出现引发了大学校园的暴乱。)

5. The protest started peacefully but quickly escalated into a riot. (抗议活动起初和平,但很快升级成了暴乱。)

6. The police used tear gas to disperse the rioting crowd. (警察使用催泪瓦斯驱散了骚乱的人群。)

7. The city was placed under curfew to prevent further rioting. (为防止进一步的骚乱,该市实行宵禁。)

8. The rioters set fire to several buildings in the downtown area. (暴乱者纵火焚烧了市中心区域的几栋建筑。)

9. A small disagreement between two fans quickly escalated into a full-blown riot at the stadium. (两个球迷之间的小争执迅速升级成了体育场内的大规模骚乱。)

10. The government deployed the military to quell the riot and restore order. (政府派遣军队平息暴乱,恢复秩序。)

11. The riot caused widespread panic and chaos in the city. (骚乱在城市中引发了广泛的恐慌和混乱。)

12. Riot police were called in to control the violent demonstrations. (防暴警察被派来控制暴力示威活动。)

13. The riot resulted in significant property damage and looting. (骚乱导致了重大的财产损失和抢劫行为。)

14. The authorities are working to identify and arrest those responsible for inciting the riot. (当局正在努力查明并逮捕煽动骚乱的人。)

15. The community leaders called for calm and an end to the rioting. (社区领导呼吁保持冷静,停止骚乱。)

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