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时间: 2024-09-20 11:02:38


1. The sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning. (太阳明天早晨将在东方升起。)

2. The price of oil has continued to rise in recent months. (最近几个月油价一直在上涨。)

3. The new company has seen a rapid rise in its stock value. (这家新公司的股票价值迅速上升。)

4. The political movement began to rise in response to the government's actions. (政治运动开始兴起以回应政府的行动。)

5. With the rise of social media, communication has become more immediate and widespread. (随着社交媒体的兴起,沟通变得更为即时和广泛。)

6. The cake will rise in the oven as it bakes. (蛋糕在烤箱里烤的时候会膨胀。)

7. There has been a rise in the number of people attending the annual festival. (参加年度节日的人数有所增加。)

8. The tide began to rise as the moon reached its full phase. (潮水开始涨潮,当月亮到达满月时。)

9. The rise of the Roman Empire had a significant impact on world history. (罗马帝国的崛起对世界历史产生了重大影响。)

10. The rise of technology has transformed many aspects of modern life. (科技的兴起改变了现代生活的许多方面。)

11. The rise of unemployment has become a major concern for the government. (失业率的上升已成为政府的主要关注点。)

12. The rise of the sun symbolizes the beginning of a new day. (太阳的升起象征着新的一天的开始。)

13. The rise of online shopping has changed the retail industry. (网购的兴起改变了零售行业。)

14. The temperature is expected to rise in the coming days. (预计未来几天气温会上升。)

15. The rise of populism has led to political upheaval in many countries. (民粹主义的兴起导致了许多国家的政治动荡。)

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