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时间: 2024-09-22 03:42:18


1. The row of trees provided a beautiful, natural border for the property. (一排树为这块地产提供了美丽的自然边界。)

2. The students sat in a row, eagerly waiting for the teacher to begin the lesson. (学生们一排排地坐着,急切地等待着老师开始上课。)

3. There was a row of shops along the main street, each offering unique products. (主要街道上有一排商店,每家都提供独特的产品。)

4. The row between the two neighbors escalated into a heated argument. (两个邻居之间的争执升级成了激烈的争论。)

5. The row of houses on the hillside overlooked the valley below. (山坡上一排排的房屋俯瞰着下面的山谷。)

6. The row of numbers on the spreadsheet indicated the sales figures for each month. (电子表格上的一排数字表示每个月的销售额。)

7. There was a row of chairs set up for the conference attendees. (为参会者设置了一排椅子。)

8. The row of ducks waddled down to the pond. (一排鸭子蹒跚而行走向池塘。)

9. The row of books on the shelf caught her eye. (书架上的一排书引起了她的注意。)

10. The row of houses was painted in different colors, creating a vibrant and lively street. (一排排的房子被涂成不同的颜色,打造出一条充满活力和生气的街道。)

11. The row of stitches on the fabric held the pieces together securely. (织物上的一排排针脚牢固地把布料固定在一起。)

12. The row of flags along the street represented the diversity of the community. (街道两旁的一排旗帜代表了社区的多样性。)

13. The row of soldiers marched in perfect unison. (一排排的士兵步伐一致地前进。)

14. The row of cars waiting at the traffic light seemed endless. (等待红绿灯的一排排车辆似乎没有尽头。)

15. The row of ingredients lined up on the counter was ready for the cooking demonstration. (台面上整齐排列的一排食材已经准备好用于烹饪示范。)

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