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时间: 2024-09-20 01:02:59


1. She wrapped a colorful scarf around her neck to keep warm in the cold weather. (她在寒冷的天气里用一条色彩斑斓的围巾围在脖子上保暖。)

2. The silk scarf felt smooth and luxurious against her skin. (那条丝绸围巾在她的皮肤上感觉光滑而豪华。)

3. He tied the scarf in a stylish knot to add a fashionable touch to his outfit. (他打了一个时尚的结来为他的服装增添时尚感。)

4. The scarf was embroidered with intricate patterns and designs. (围巾上绣着复杂的图案和设计。)

5. She used a scarf to cover her head and protect herself from the sun. (她用围巾遮住头部,保护自己免受阳光的侵害。)

6. The scarf fluttered in the breeze as she walked along the beach. (她在海滩上行走时,围巾在微风中飘动。)

7. The scarf was knitted with a soft, warm yarn that kept her cozy in the winter. (围巾是用柔软温暖的毛线编织而成,让她在冬天感到舒适。)

8. She wore a scarf as a fashion statement, not just for warmth. (她戴围巾是为了展现时尚,而不仅仅是为了保暖。)

9. The scarf was a gift from her grandmother and held sentimental value. (这条围巾是她祖母送的礼物,具有感情价值。)

10. He used the scarf as a makeshift bandage for the injured hiker. (他把围巾当作临时绷带为受伤的远足者包扎。)

11. The scarf was long enough to be worn as a shawl for evening events. (围巾足够长,可以当作披肩穿在晚间活动中。)

12. The scarf was made of cashmere, giving it a luxurious and soft feel. (围巾是由羊绒制成的,触感豪华柔软。)

13. She tied the scarf around her waist as a makeshift belt for her dress. (她把围巾绑在腰间,当作连衣裙的临时腰带。)

14. The scarf was a versatile accessory that could be worn in various ways. (围巾是一种多功能的配饰,可以以多种方式佩戴。)

15. She used the scarf to wipe away her tears after receiving disappointing news. (她用围巾擦去收到令人失望的消息后流下的眼泪。)

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