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时间: 2024-09-20 08:32:24


1. We spent a lovely day at the seaside, building sandcastles and swimming in the ocean.(我们在海滨度过了愉快的一天,堆沙堡,游泳。)

2. The seaside town was bustling with tourists enjoying the sun, sand, and surf.(海滨小镇上游客熙熙攘攘,尽情享受着阳光、沙滩和海浪。)

3. I love the sound of seagulls at the seaside, it's so peaceful and calming.(我喜欢海滨的海鸥叫声,那种宁静和平静。)

4. We rented a beach house for our vacation at the seaside, and it was just perfect.(我们在海滨租了一间海边小屋度假,简直太完美了。)

5. The seafood at the seaside restaurants is always so fresh and delicious.(海滨餐厅的海鲜总是那么新鲜美味。)

6. The seaside is the perfect place to relax and unwind after a busy week.(海滨是一个在忙碌一周后放松和舒缓的理想场所。)

7. We took a long walk along the seaside, breathing in the salty sea air.(我们沿着海滨散步,吸入咸咸的海风。)

8. The children were thrilled to collect seashells at the seaside.(孩子们兴奋地在海滨捡贝壳。)

9. The seaside sunset painted the sky with stunning colors.(海滨的日落给天空涂上了绚丽的色彩。)

10. I love the feeling of sand between my toes when I walk along the seaside.(我喜欢沿着海滨散步时脚趾间的沙子的感觉。)

11. The seaside breeze was refreshing and invigorating.(海滨的微风清新而令人振奋。)

12. We enjoyed a picnic on the seaside cliffs, overlooking the sparkling ocean.(我们在海滨悬崖上野餐,俯瞰着波光粼粼的海洋。)

13. The seaside town has a charming old lighthouse that guides ships safely to shore.(海滨小镇上有一座迷人的老灯塔,指引着船只安全靠岸。)

14. The seaside boardwalk is lined with shops, cafes, and entertainment.(海滨的木板路两旁布满了商店、咖啡馆和娱乐场所。)

15. We took a boat tour to explore the hidden coves and caves along the seaside.(我们乘船游览海滨的隐秘海湾和洞穴。)

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