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时间: 2024-09-20 06:48:19


1. I need to stop by the shop to pick up some groceries. (我需要去商店买些杂货。)

2. She works at a flower shop in the city. (她在城里的一家花店工作。)

3. The shop was crowded with customers looking for Black Friday deals. (商店里挤满了寻找黑色星期五优惠的顾客。)

4. I like to browse through antique shops to find unique items. (我喜欢逛古董店找独特的物品。)

5. The shop owner greeted us warmly as we entered. (当我们进入时,店主热情地迎接我们。)

6. I need to take my car to the shop for an oil change. (我需要把车开到修车厂换机油。)

7. The little girl begged her father to buy her a toy at the toy shop. (小女孩哀求父亲在玩具店给她买玩具。)

8. The shopkeeper carefully wrapped the fragile items in bubble wrap. (店主小心地用泡沫纸包裹易碎的物品。)

9. We decided to have lunch at the quaint little sandwich shop down the street. (我们决定在街上那家古色古香的小三明治店吃午饭。)

10. The shop specializes in handmade jewelry and accessories. (这家店专门经营手工珠宝和配饰。)

11. The shop is closed for renovations until next month. (这家店因装修而关闭,直到下个月。)

12. I found a great deal on a new laptop at the electronics shop. (我在电子产品店找到一台新笔记本的超值优惠。)

13. The shop assistant helped me find the perfect dress for the party. (店员帮我找到了参加派对的完美礼服。)

14. The shop offers free delivery for orders over $50. (这家店提供50美元以上订单的免费送货服务。)

15. The shop's window display always attracts passersby with its creative designs. (这家店的橱窗陈列总是因其创意设计吸引路人。)

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