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时间: 2024-09-28 21:43:04


1. I take a refreshing shower every morning to wake myself up.(每天早上我都会洗冷水澡来唤醒自己。)

2. After a long day at work, I love to relax with a hot shower.(工作了一整天后,我喜欢用热水冲个澡来放松。)

3. The sudden shower caught us by surprise during our picnic.(野餐时突然下起了大雨,让我们措手不及。)

4. She likes to sing in the shower because of the acoustics.(她喜欢在淋浴时唱歌,因为那里的音响效果很好。)

5. The shower head needs to be fixed because it's leaking.(淋浴喷头需要修理,因为在漏水。)

6. I always feel more productive and focused after a cold shower.(冷水澡后,我总是感到更有生产力和专注。)

7. The hotel room had a luxurious rainfall shower that was very relaxing.(酒店房间里有一个豪华的淋浴,非常舒适放松。)

8. The forecast predicted a light shower in the afternoon.(预报预测下午会有小雨。)

9. The shower curtain adds a nice touch to the bathroom decor.(淋浴帘为浴室装饰增添了一份美感。)

10. I need to buy a new shower gel because I've run out.(我需要买一瓶新的沐浴露,因为我用完了。)

11. The children ran outside to play in the warm summer shower.(孩子们跑到外面在温暖的夏日雨中玩耍。)

12. She felt the tension in her muscles ease away as the hot water from the shower hit her back.(当热水从淋浴喷头冲击她的背部时,她感到肌肉的紧张逐渐消失。)

13. The shower of compliments from her colleagues made her feel appreciated.(同事们的一连串赞美让她感到受到了肯定。)

14. The sudden rain shower caused the outdoor event to be postponed.(突然的雨淋让室外活动被推迟了。)

15. The plumber fixed the broken shower faucet in no time.(水管工很快就修好了坏掉的淋浴龙头。)

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