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时间: 2024-10-06 16:48:48


1. He is a skilled carpenter and can make beautiful furniture. (他是一个技艺娴熟的木匠,能制作出漂亮的家具。)

2. The chef is skilled at creating delicious and visually stunning dishes. (这位厨师擅长制作美味且视觉上令人惊叹的菜肴。)

3. She is a skilled negotiator and always manages to get the best deals. (她是一位技巧娴熟的谈判者,总能谈得到最好的交易。)

4. The team of engineers is skilled in solving complex technical problems. (这个工程师团队擅长解决复杂的技术问题。)

5. The artist is skilled in various mediums, including painting, sculpture, and digital art. (这位艺术家擅长多种媒介,包括绘画、雕塑和数码艺术。)

6. The skilled surgeon successfully performed a complicated heart operation. (这位技术娴熟的外科医生成功地进行了一次复杂的心脏手术。)

7. The skilled pilot landed the plane safely despite challenging weather conditions. (这位技术娴熟的飞行员在恶劣的天气条件下成功地将飞机安全降落。)

8. The skilled musician can play multiple instruments with great proficiency. (这位技艺娴熟的音乐家能够精通多种乐器的演奏。)

9. The skilled photographer captured stunning images of the natural landscape. (这位技术娴熟的摄影师拍摄了自然风光的惊人照片。)

10. The skilled writer has the ability to craft compelling and engaging stories. (这位技艺娴熟的作家有能力编写引人入胜、吸引人的故事。)

11. 他是一位熟练的木匠,能制作出美丽的家具。

12. 这位厨师擅长制作美味且视觉上令人惊叹的菜肴。

13. 她是一位技巧娴熟的谈判者,总能谈得到最好的交易。

14. 这个工程师团队擅长解决复杂的技术问题。

15. 这位艺术家擅长多种媒介,包括绘画、雕塑和数码艺术。

上一个 【英语】skill的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】skin的例句



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