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时间: 2024-10-06 20:51:02


1. The traffic was moving so slow that I was late for my appointment.(交通太慢了,我迟到了。)

2. She spoke in a slow, deliberate manner, making sure everyone understood her.(她说话慢条斯理,确保每个人都听懂了。)

3. The slow pace of the movie made it difficult for me to stay engaged.(电影的缓慢节奏让我很难保持兴趣。)

4. The computer was running slow, so I had to restart it.(电脑运行缓慢,所以我不得不重新启动。)

5. The slow growth of the plant was frustrating, but I knew it just needed time.(植物生长缓慢让人沮丧,但我知道它只是需要时间。)

6. The slow, melodic music filled the room, creating a peaceful atmosphere.(缓慢而悠扬的音乐充满了房间,营造出宁静的氛围。)

7. He has a slow, steady approach to solving problems, which often yields the best results.(他解决问题的方式缓慢而稳健,往往会取得最好的结果。)

8. The internet connection was painfully slow, making it impossible to stream videos.(网络连接非常慢,无法播放视频。)

9. The slow passage of time during the lecture made it feel like an eternity.(在讲座期间时间过得很慢,感觉像是一辈子。)

10. The slow cooker allowed the flavors to develop over several hours, resulting in a delicious meal.(慢炖锅让食物的风味在几个小时内慢慢融合,做出了美味的餐点。)

11. The slow progress of the construction project was frustrating for everyone involved.(建筑项目的缓慢进展让所有参与者都感到沮丧。)

12. She took a slow, deep breath to calm her nerves before the performance.(她深吸一口气,缓解表演前的紧张情绪。)

13. The slow decline of the old building was a sad sight to see.(老建筑的缓慢衰退让人感到悲伤。)

14. The slow realization of his mistake left him feeling regretful.(对错误的缓慢认识让他感到后悔。)

15. The slow response from customer service was frustrating, but eventually the issue was resolved.(客户服务的反应缓慢让人沮丧,但最终问题得到了解决。)

上一个 【英语】slot的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】slowdown的例句



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