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时间: 2024-10-06 19:57:21


1. I like to have a healthy snack of fruit and nuts in the afternoon.(我喜欢在下午吃一些水果和坚果作为健康的小吃。)

2. The kids were munching on snacks while watching TV.(孩子们一边看电视一边吃着零食。)

3. I always carry some snacks with me in case I get hungry.(我总是随身携带一些零食,以防我饿了。)

4. She grabbed a quick snack before heading out the door.(她在出门前匆匆吃了一点小吃。)

5. I try to avoid unhealthy snacks like chips and candy.(我尽量避免吃薯片和糖果这样的不健康的零食。)

6. The vending machine offers a variety of snacks and drinks.(自动售货机提供各种各样的零食和饮料。)

7. I like to indulge in a sweet snack as a treat once in a while.(偶尔我喜欢放纵一下,吃点甜点作为奖励。)

8. She packed some snacks for the road trip.(她为这次公路旅行准备了一些零食。)

9. The movie theater sells a range of snacks, from popcorn to nachos.(电影院出售各种各样的零食,从爆米花到玉米片。)

10. After school, the kids always raid the fridge for snacks.(放学后,孩子们总是去冰箱里找零食。)

11. He's on a diet, so he only allows himself a small snack in the evening.(他在节食,所以只允许自己在晚上吃一点小吃。)

12. The convenience store is stocked with a variety of snacks.(便利店里有各种各样的零食。)

13. I need to buy some snacks for the party this weekend.(我需要为这个周末的聚会买一些零食。)

14. She's trying to cut down on snacks to reduce her calorie intake.(她正在努力减少零食的摄入量,以减少卡路里的摄入。)

15. The hotel room was equipped with a minibar filled with snacks and beverages.(酒店房间里配备了一个小吧台,里面摆满了零食和饮料。)

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