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时间: 2024-10-06 19:53:22


1. The snake slithered through the grass, searching for its next meal. (蛇在草丛中蠕动着,寻找下一顿饭。)

2. I accidentally stepped on a snake while hiking in the woods. (我在树林里迷路时不小心踩到了一条蛇。)

3. The zookeeper carefully handled the venomous snake during feeding time. (饲养员在喂食时小心翼翼地处理着有毒的蛇。)

4. The snake charmer mesmerized the crowd with his skillful handling of the cobras. (蛇使者用他熟练的技巧让人们着迷,处理着眼镜蛇。)

5. The snake shed its skin as it grew larger. (蛇随着体型的增大蜕皮。)

6. The children squealed in delight as they watched the snake being fed in the reptile exhibit. (孩子们看着爬行动物展示区里的蛇被喂食,欢声笑语。)

7. The snake coiled itself around the tree branch, waiting patiently for prey to pass by. (蛇盘绕在树枝上,耐心地等待猎物经过。)

8. The snake's scales glistened in the sunlight as it basked on the warm rocks. (蛇在温暖的岩石上晒太阳,它的鳞片在阳光下闪闪发光。)

9. The snake's venom can be deadly if not treated immediately. (如果不立即处理,蛇的毒液可能致命。)

10. The hissing sound of the snake sent shivers down my spine. (蛇的嘶嘶声让我毛骨悚然。)

11. The snake charmer used a flute to captivate the cobra and make it sway to the music. (蛇使者用长笛迷住眼镜蛇,让它随着音乐摇摆。)

12. I could see the snake's forked tongue flicking in and out as it tasted the air. (我看到蛇的分叉舌头不断地伸缩,尝试着空气。)

13. The snake's bright colors warned predators of its venomous nature. (蛇鲜艳的颜色警告着捕食者它的毒性。)

14. The snake's powerful muscles allowed it to constrict its prey with incredible force. (蛇强大的肌肉让它能以惊人的力量扼杀猎物。)

15. The snake's eyes fixed on the unsuspecting mouse, ready to strike at any moment. (蛇的眼睛盯着毫不知情的老鼠,随时准备发动攻击。)

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