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时间: 2024-10-06 21:46:41


1. I heard a loud snap as the branch broke under the weight of the snow.(我听到一声巨响,树枝在雪的重压下折断了。)

2. She used a snap to fasten the button on her coat.(她用一根扣子来扣住外套上的钮扣。)

3. The dog's snap at the bone startled me.(狗啃骨头的声音吓了我一跳。)

4. With a snap of his fingers, he called the waiter over.(他用手指一弹,就把服务员叫了过来。)

5. The snap of the camera captured the perfect moment.(相机的快门声记录下了完美的瞬间。)

6. The snap of the lock echoed through the empty hallway.(锁的卡嗒声在空荡的走廊里回荡。)

7. She gave a snap of her fingers to get the horse's attention.(她用手指一弹,吸引了马的注意。)

8. The snap of the whip made the horse gallop faster.(鞭子的抽打声让马跑得更快。)

9. He felt a snap in his knee as he twisted it awkwardly.(他感到膝盖扭伤时发出了一声脆响。)

10. The snap of the twig underfoot alerted the deer to his presence.(脚下树枝的折断声让鹿察觉到了他的存在。)

11. She responded to his insult with a snap of her own.(她对他的侮辱做出了一种尖酸刻薄的回应。)

12. The snap of the sail filled the air as the wind caught it.(帆的飒飒声在风中响起,风把它吹了起来。)

13. The snap of the firecrackers filled the night with light and sound.(鞭炮的爆响声点亮了夜晚,充满了声光。)

14. The snap of the rubber band stung his fingers as it broke.(橡皮筋断裂时刺痛了他的手指。)

15. With a snap decision, she quit her job and moved to a new city.(她做出了一个匆忙的决定,辞去了工作,搬到了一个新的城市。)

上一个 【英语】snake的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】snatch的例句



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