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时间: 2024-10-06 23:53:56


1. The thief snatched the woman's purse and ran away.(小偷抢走了女人的钱包并逃跑了。)

2. The eagle swooped down and snatched the fish from the water.(鹰扑下来把鱼从水中抓走了。)

3. She snatched the opportunity to speak with the CEO during the conference.(她抓住机会在会议期间和首席执行官交谈。)

4. The kidnappers snatched the child from the playground.(绑匪把孩子从操场上抢走了。)

5. I managed to snatch a few hours of sleep before the meeting.(我设法在会议前抓紧了几个小时睡眠。)

6. The team snatched victory from the jaws of defeat with a last-minute goal.(球队在最后一刻的进球中从失败的边缘夺得胜利。)

7. The reporter snatched an exclusive interview with the celebrity.(记者抢到了一次与名人的独家采访。)

8. She snatched the book from his hands and started reading.(她从他手中抢过书开始阅读。)

9. The cat snatched the mouse and quickly disappeared into the bushes.(猫抓住老鼠迅速消失在灌木丛中。)

10. The quarterback snatched the victory with a last-second touchdown.(四分卫在最后一刻的触地得分中夺得了胜利。)

11. The child snatched the toy away from his sibling.(孩子从兄弟姐妹手中抢走了玩具。)

12. The company snatched the contract from their competitors with a better offer.(公司以更好的报价从竞争对手手中夺得了合同。)

13. The pickpocket snatched the wallet from the tourist's pocket.(扒手从游客口袋里抢走了钱包。)

14. She snatched a quick bite to eat before heading to the meeting.(她赶紧吃了一口东西然后去开会。)

15. The team snatched the trophy from the reigning champions.(球队从卫冕冠军手中夺得了奖杯。)


1. 小偷抢走了女人的钱包并逃跑了。

2. 鹰扑下来把鱼从水中抓走了。

3. 她抓住机会在会议期间和首席执行官交谈。

4. 绑匪把孩子从操场上抢走了。

5. 我设法在会议前抓紧了几个小时睡眠。

6. 球队在最后一刻的进球中从失败的边缘夺得胜利。

7. 记者抢到了一次与名人的独家采访。

8. 她从他手中抢过书开始阅读。

9. 猫抓住老鼠迅速消失在灌木丛中。

10. 四分卫在最后一刻的触地得分中夺得了胜利。

11. 孩子从兄弟姐妹手中抢走了玩具。

12. 公司以更好的报价从竞争对手手中夺得了合同。

13. 扒手从游客口袋里抢走了钱包。

14. 她赶紧吃了一口东西然后去开会。

15. 球队从卫冕冠军手中夺得了奖杯。

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