时间: 2024-11-08 02:50:06
1. She slowly climbed the stairway to the top of the lighthouse, enjoying the view along the way.(她慢慢地爬上灯塔的楼梯,一路上欣赏着风景。)
2. The grand entrance hall was adorned with a magnificent marble stairway leading up to the second floor.(宏伟的入口大厅装饰着一条华丽的大理石楼梯通向二楼。)
3. The old wooden stairway creaked as she made her way down to the basement.(她走下地下室时,旧木楼梯发出吱吱的响声。)
4. The stairway was so steep that I had to hold onto the railing tightly to avoid falling.(楼梯如此陡峭,我不得不紧紧抓住扶手以免摔倒。)
5. The children raced each other up the stairway to see who could reach the top first.(孩子们争先恐后地跑上楼梯,看谁能第一个到达顶端。)
6. She stumbled and nearly fell while descending the stairway in the dimly lit hallway.(在昏暗的走廊里下楼梯时,她绊了一下,险些摔倒。)
7. The elegant spiral stairway in the historic mansion was a sight to behold.(历史悠久的豪宅里的优雅螺旋楼梯令人赞叹。)
8. The emergency exit stairway provided a quick escape route for the employees during the fire drill.(紧急出口楼梯为员工在火灾演练时提供了快速逃生通道。)
9. The stairway to success is often filled with challenges and obstacles that must be overcome.(通往成功的阶梯通常充满了必须克服的挑战和障碍。)
10. The narrow, winding stairway in the ancient castle added to its mysterious and enchanting atmosphere.(古堡里狭窄蜿蜒的楼梯增添了它神秘而迷人的氛围。)
11. Each step of the stairway was adorned with intricate carvings, showcasing the craftsmanship of the artisans.(楼梯的每一级台阶都装饰着复杂的雕刻,展示了工匠的手艺。)
12. The stairway groaned under the weight of the heavy furniture being carried up to the second floor.(楼梯在承受被搬上二楼的沉重家具的重量时发出吱吱的响声。)
13. As she reached the top of the stairway, she was greeted by a breathtaking view of the city skyline.(当她到达楼梯顶端时,她被城市天际线的壮丽景色所吸引。)
14. The narrow stairway was barely wide enough to accommodate two people walking side by side.(狭窄的楼梯勉强能够容纳两人并肩走路。)
15. The maintenance crew was tasked with repairing the broken handrail on the stairway to ensure safety.(维修人员负责修理楼梯上的断裂扶手,以确保安全。)
1. 她慢慢地爬上灯塔的楼梯,一路上欣赏着风景。
2. 宏伟的入口大厅装饰着一条华丽的大理石楼梯通向二楼。
3. 她走下地下室时,旧木楼梯发出吱吱的响声。
4. 楼梯如此陡峭,我不得不紧紧抓住扶手以免摔倒。
5. 孩子们争先恐后地跑上楼梯,看谁能第一个到达顶端。
6. 在昏暗的走廊里下楼梯时,她绊了一下,险些摔倒。
7. 历史悠久的豪宅里的优雅螺旋楼梯令人赞叹。
8. 紧急出口楼梯为员工在火灾演练时提供了快速逃生通道。
9. 通往成功的阶梯通常充满了必须克服的挑战和障碍。
10. 古堡里狭窄蜿蜒的楼梯增添了它神秘而迷人的氛围。
11. 楼梯的每一级台阶都装饰着复杂的雕刻,展示了工匠的手艺。
12. 楼梯在承受被搬上二楼的沉重家具的重量时发出吱吱的响声。
13. 当她到达楼梯顶端时,她被城市天际线的壮丽景色所吸引。
14. 狭窄的楼梯勉强能够容纳两人并肩走路。
15. 维修人员负责修理楼梯上的断裂扶手,以确保安全。