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时间: 2024-09-20 01:12:15


1. I always go for a long walk on Sunday to relax and clear my mind.(我总是在周日去散步,放松心情,清理思绪。)

2. Sunday is the perfect day for a leisurely brunch with friends.(周日是和朋友悠闲地吃早午餐的最佳时机。)

3. On Sunday, I like to catch up on my reading and enjoy a lazy day at home.(周日,我喜欢赶上我的阅读进度,在家悠闲度过一天。)

4. We usually visit my grandparents for Sunday dinner and spend quality time with them.(我们通常在周日晚餐时去拜访我的祖父母,和他们共度美好时光。)

5. Sunday evenings are a time for relaxation and preparation for the week ahead.(周日晚上是放松和准备下周的时间。)

6. Every Sunday, I volunteer at the local animal shelter to help take care of the animals.(每个周日,我都会在当地的动物收容所做义工,帮助照顾动物。)

7. Sunday is a day for reflection and gratitude for the blessings in my life.(周日是反思和感恩生活中的祝福的日子。)

8. We went for a family picnic in the park on Sunday and had a wonderful time together.(我们周日一家人去公园野餐,度过了美好的时光。)

9. Sunday mornings are reserved for attending church and participating in religious activities.(周日上午是为参加教堂活动和宗教活动而保留的时间。)

10. I like to meal prep for the week ahead on Sunday to save time during the busy weekdays.(我喜欢在周日为接下来的一周进行餐饮准备,以节省繁忙工作日的时间。)

11. Sunday is a day to recharge and prepare for the challenges of the upcoming week.(周日是为了充电和准备应对下周挑战的一天。)

12. We often go for a family bike ride on Sunday afternoons to enjoy the outdoors together.(我们经常在周日下午一起骑自行车,一家人一起享受户外活动。)

13. I like to use Sunday evenings to plan and set goals for the week ahead.(我喜欢利用周日晚上来规划和制定下周的目标。)

14. Sunday is a day to spend quality time with loved ones and cherish those relationships.(周日是与亲人共度美好时光,珍惜这些关系的日子。)

15. I always look forward to Sunday as a day to relax, recharge, and spend time on my hobbies.(我总是期待周日,因为那是一个放松、充电,以及从事我的爱好的日子。)

上一个 【英语】sunburnt的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】sunglasses的例句



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