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时间: 2024-09-17 13:15:11


1. The fog hung thickly over the city, reducing visibility to almost zero.(浓雾笼罩着城市,能见度几乎为零。)

2. The paint was applied thickly to ensure a smooth and even finish.(涂料被涂得很厚,以确保表面光滑均匀。)

3. The forest was thickly populated with tall, ancient trees.(森林里长满了茂密的古老树木。)

4. She spread the jam thickly on her toast, savoring every bite.(她在吐司上涂上了厚厚的果酱,细细品味着每一口。)

5. The book was thickly bound with a luxurious leather cover.(这本书装订得很厚实,封面是豪华的皮革。)

6. The air was thickly perfumed with the scent of flowers.(空气中弥漫着浓郁的花香。)

7. The soup was thickly seasoned with aromatic herbs and spices.(汤里加入了浓重的香草和香料。)

8. The snow fell thickly, covering the ground in a blanket of white.(雪花纷纷扬扬地落下,覆盖了一层白色的地面。)

9. The crowd was thickly packed into the narrow street.(人群密集地挤满了狭窄的街道。)

10. She applied the face cream thickly, hoping to moisturize her dry skin.(她厚厚地涂抹着面霜,希望能滋润干燥的皮肤。)

11. The sauce clung thickly to the pasta, creating a rich and indulgent dish.(酱汁浓浓地附着在意大利面上,制作出了一道浓厚而奢华的菜肴。)

12. The room was thickly carpeted, muffling the sound of footsteps.(房间地面铺着厚厚的地毯,消减了脚步声。)

13. The plot of the movie thickly twisted and turned, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.(电影的情节扑朔迷离,让观众屏息凝神。)

14. The paint was applied thickly to cover up the old, peeling wallpaper.(为了掩盖旧的剥落的墙纸,涂料被涂得很厚。)

15. The cake was thickly frosted with a layer of creamy icing.(蛋糕上涂抹了一层厚厚的奶油糖霜。)

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