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时间: 2024-09-17 13:15:58


1. The thickness of the ice was enough to support the weight of the skaters. (冰的厚度足以支撑滑冰者的重量。)

2. She measured the thickness of the paper before cutting it. (她在剪纸之前测量了纸的厚度。)

3. The thickness of the book made it difficult to fit into her bag. (书的厚度使得它很难放进她的包里。)

4. The thickness of the fog reduced visibility to almost zero. (雾的厚度使得能见度几乎为零。)

5. The chef carefully adjusted the thickness of the sauce to achieve the desired consistency. (厨师仔细调整酱的浓稠度,以达到所需的浓度。)

6. The thickness of the fabric made the curtains very effective at blocking out light. (面料的厚度使得窗帘在遮光方面非常有效。)

7. The thickness of the steak was just right for grilling. (牛排的厚度正好适合烤。)

8. The thickness of the walls provided excellent insulation against noise. (墙壁的厚度提供了良好的隔音效果。)

9. She marveled at the thickness of the ancient tree's trunk. (她对古树的树干厚度感到惊叹。)

10. The thickness of the paint gave the room a rich, textured look. (油漆的厚度为房间赋予了丰富的质感。)

11. He couldn't believe the thickness of the traffic on the highway. (他简直无法相信高速公路上交通的拥堵程度。)

12. The thickness of the cloud cover indicated that a storm was approaching. (云层的厚度表明暴风雨即将来临。)

13. The thickness of the blanket provided warmth on the cold winter night. (毯子的厚度在寒冷的冬夜提供了温暖。)

14. The thickness of the soup was just right, not too watery or too thick. (汤的浓稠度刚刚好,既不太稀也不太浓。)

15. The thickness of the crowd made it difficult to move through the festival. (人群的密度使得在节日中难以移动。)

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