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时间: 2024-09-20 01:08:46


1. She spoke in a cheerful tone, brightening up the room. 她以愉快的语调说话,让房间变得明亮起来。

2. His tone was sharp and critical, indicating his dissatisfaction. 他的语气尖锐批评,显示出他的不满。

3. The professor's lecture had a scholarly tone, demonstrating his expertise in the subject. 教授的讲座具有学术性的语气,显示了他在这个领域的专业知识。

4. She used a soothing tone to calm down the upset child. 她用抚慰的语调安抚不安的孩子。

5. The email had a formal tone, reflecting the seriousness of the matter. 这封邮件的语气很正式,反映了事情的严重性。

6. His tone was filled with excitement as he shared his good news. 他的语气充满了激动,因为他分享了好消息。

7. The singer's voice had a hauntingly beautiful tone that captivated the audience. 歌手的声音具有令人难以忘怀的美妙音色,迷住了观众。

8. The boss used a commanding tone to assert his authority in the meeting. 老板在会议上用了一种命令的语气来表明他的权威。

9. Her tone was apologetic as she admitted her mistake. 她说话的语气充满了歉意,承认了自己的错误。

10. The comedian's tone was light-hearted and humorous, entertaining the audience. 这位喜剧演员的语气轻松幽默,让观众开怀大笑。

11. The politician's tone was diplomatic, carefully avoiding controversial topics. 政治家的语气很圆滑,小心地避开了有争议的话题。

12. The teacher used a firm tone to maintain discipline in the classroom. 老师用坚定的语气来维护课堂纪律。

13. The customer service representative's tone was empathetic as she listened to the customer's concerns. 客服代表在倾听客户的问题时表现出同情的语气。

14. His tone was sarcastic, indicating his skepticism towards the proposal. 他的语气讽刺,显示出他对提案的怀疑。

15. The book had a poetic tone, creating a sense of beauty and emotion in the writing. 这本书的语气诗意盎然,为作品增添了美感和情感。

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