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时间: 2024-09-20 11:31:13


1. The tyre on my bike is flat and needs to be repaired. (我自行车的轮胎瘪了,需要修理。)

2. The car skidded on the wet road because of worn-out tyres. (汽车因为轮胎磨损在湿滑的路面上打滑了。)

3. I need to replace the old tyres on my car before the winter. (我需要在冬季之前更换我车上的旧轮胎。)

4. The tyre pressure should be checked regularly to ensure safe driving. (应该定期检查轮胎气压以确保安全驾驶。)

5. The spare tyre in the trunk came in handy when I got a flat tyre on the highway. (行李箱里备用的轮胎在我在高速公路上爆胎时派上了用场。)

6. The tyre tread depth is below the legal limit and needs to be replaced. (轮胎花纹深度低于法定标准,需要更换。)

7. The tyre blew out on the highway, causing me to pull over for an emergency stop. (轮胎在高速公路上爆了,导致我被迫停车紧急制动。)

8. The mechanic recommended getting high-quality tyres for better performance. (汽车修理工建议购买高质量的轮胎以获得更好的性能。)

9. The tyre shop offers a wide selection of brands and sizes to choose from. (轮胎店提供各种品牌和尺寸供顾客选择。)

10. The tyre manufacturer issued a recall due to a safety defect. (轮胎制造商因安全缺陷发布了召回通知。)

11. 我的车轮胎太旧了,需要更换。

12. 车辆的轮胎压力应该定期检查。

13. 在坏天气中,轮胎的抓地力非常重要。

14. 这辆卡车的轮胎太磨损了,需要紧急更换。

15. 这家轮胎店提供免费的轮胎安装服务。

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