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时间: 2024-09-17 13:33:38


1. The outcome of the election is uncertain, so we'll have to wait and see.(选举的结果不确定,所以我们只能等待看看。)

2. I'm uncertain about whether I should take the job offer or not.(我对是否应该接受这份工作还不确定。)

3. The weather forecast for tomorrow is uncertain, with a chance of rain or sunshine.(明天的天气预报不确定,可能会下雨,也可能会晴。)

4. She gave me an uncertain smile, as if she wasn't sure how to respond.(她给了我一个不确定的微笑,好像不确定该如何回应。)

5. The company's future is uncertain due to the unstable economic conditions.(由于经济状况不稳定,公司的未来不确定。)

6. He made an uncertain decision, and now he's regretting it.(他做出了一个不确定的决定,现在他后悔了。)

7. Uncertain times call for careful planning and flexibility.(不确定的时期需要谨慎规划和灵活性。)

8. The doctor's diagnosis was uncertain, so further tests were needed.(医生的诊断不确定,所以需要进一步检查。)

9. The stock market is always uncertain, and it's hard to predict its movements.(股市总是不确定的,很难预测它的走势。)

10. She spoke in an uncertain tone, unsure of what to say next.(她用一种不确定的语气说话,不知道接下来该说什么。)

11. The future of the project is uncertain, pending approval from the board.(项目的未来不确定,等待董事会的批准。)

12. Uncertain economic conditions have led to a decrease in consumer spending.(不确定的经济状况导致了消费者支出的减少。)

13. His future career path is uncertain, as he's considering several options.(他未来的职业道路不确定,因为他在考虑几种选择。)

14. The teacher's instructions were vague and uncertain, leaving the students confused.(老师的指示模糊不清,让学生感到困惑。)

15. The uncertain outcome of the negotiations has caused anxiety among the employees.(谈判的结果不确定,导致员工感到焦虑。)

上一个 【英语】unboiled的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】uncertainty的例句



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