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时间: 2024-09-20 01:11:08


1. It's unfair that she got a promotion just because she's friends with the boss. 这真是不公平,她之所以升职只是因为和老板是朋友。

2. The referee's decision was unfair and cost our team the game. 裁判的判决不公平,让我们球队输掉了比赛。

3. It's unfair to judge someone based on their appearance. 仅仅根据外表来评判一个人是不公平的。

4. The distribution of resources in our country is unfair, with the wealthy getting richer and the poor getting poorer. 我们国家资源的分配是不公平的,富人越来越富,穷人越来越穷。

5. It's unfair for the company to expect us to work overtime without any extra pay. 公司指望我们加班却不给额外报酬,这是不公平的。

6. He was treated unfairly by the justice system and wrongly convicted of a crime he didn't commit. 他在司法体系中受到了不公平的对待,被错误地判定犯了他没有犯的罪。

7. It's unfair that some students have access to better educational resources while others do not. 有些学生能够获得更好的教育资源,而其他人却不能,这是不公平的。

8. The new policy is unfair to small businesses, putting them at a disadvantage compared to large corporations. 新政策对小企业不公平,使它们处于与大公司相比的劣势位置。

9. Being judged solely on her gender is unfair to her skills and qualifications. 仅仅因为她的性别而受到评判是对她的技能和资格不公平。

10. The teacher's grading system seems arbitrary and unfair to many students. 这位老师的评分系统似乎是随意的,并对许多学生不公平。

11. It's unfair that some people have to work multiple jobs just to make ends meet, while others live comfortably off their investments. 一些人不得不做多份工作才能维持生计,而另一些人则可以依靠投资舒适地生活,这是不公平的。

12. The way the media portrays certain groups can be unfair and perpetuate stereotypes. 媒体对某些群体的描绘方式可能是不公平的,并且会持续强化刻板印象。

13. It's unfair for one person to take credit for a team's work. 一个人独自得到团队工作的功劳是不公平的。

14. The allocation of resources in the company is unfair, with certain departments receiving more funding than others. 公司资源的分配是不公平的,某些部门获得的资金比其他部门多。

15. The court's decision was seen as unfair by the public, leading to widespread protests. 公众认为法院的判决是不公平的,引发了大规模的抗议。

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