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时间: 2024-09-17 14:08:57


1. She slowly began to unfold the letter, her heart racing with anticipation.(她慢慢开始展开信件,心怦怦地跳动着。)

2. As the flower began to unfold its petals, a sweet fragrance filled the room.(当花朵开始展开花瓣时,一股甜美的香气弥漫了整个房间。)

3. The detective carefully unfolded the map, trying to decipher the hidden clues.(侦探小心翼翼地展开地图,试图解开隐藏的线索。)

4. The events of the past few days began to unfold in his mind, causing him great distress.(过去几天的事件开始在他脑海中展开,让他感到极度不安。)

5. The mystery slowly began to unfold as more evidence was uncovered.(随着更多证据的揭露,这个谜团慢慢开始揭开。)

6. She watched in awe as the origami artist skillfully unfolded a crane from a single sheet of paper.(她惊叹地看着折纸艺术家巧妙地从一张纸上展开一只鹤。)

7. The old scroll was carefully unfolded, revealing ancient writing that had long been forgotten.(那卷古老的卷轴被小心地展开,显露出被遗忘已久的古代文字。)

8. The plan began to unfold perfectly, with each step leading to the next seamlessly.(计划开始完美地展开,每一步都无缝地引导着下一步。)

9. The story of their friendship slowly unfolded, revealing a bond that could withstand any challenge.(他们友谊的故事慢慢展开,揭示出一种能够经受任何挑战的纽带。)

10. The drama on stage began to unfold, captivating the audience with its twists and turns.(舞台上的戏剧开始展开,用其曲折的情节吸引着观众。)

11. With a sense of curiosity, she began to unfold the history of her family, discovering secrets long buried.(怀着好奇心,她开始揭开家族的历史,发现了长久被埋藏的秘密。)

12. The intricacies of the plot slowly began to unfold, revealing a web of deception and betrayal.(情节的复杂性慢慢展开,揭示出一张欺骗和背叛的网。)

13. The concert unfolded with a series of beautiful performances, each one more breathtaking than the last.(音乐会随着一系列美妙的演出展开,每一次表演都比上一次更令人叹为观止。)

14. As the investigation progressed, new leads began to unfold, shedding light on the mystery.(随着调查的进行,新线索开始展开,为谜团带来了光明。)

15. The artist's masterpiece slowly unfolded on the canvas, capturing the essence of beauty and emotion.(艺术家的杰作在画布上慢慢展开,捕捉到美和情感的本质。)

上一个 【英语】unfit的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】unfortunately的例句



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