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时间: 2024-10-06 20:50:58


1. The performance of the new singer was unimpressive, and the audience was left feeling disappointed.(新歌手的表演令人印象不深,观众感到失望。)

2. His unimpressive resume didn't reflect his true potential, and he struggled to find a job.(他平淡无奇的简历并没有反映出他真正的潜力,因此他找工作很困难。)

3. The team's unimpressive record in the season led to doubts about their ability to win the championship.(球队在赛季中平平无奇的战绩引发了对他们夺冠能力的怀疑。)

4. The restaurant received unimpressive reviews from critics, causing a decline in customer traffic.(餐厅受到评论家的平淡无奇的评价,导致顾客流量下降。)

5. The unimpressive sales figures indicated a need for a new marketing strategy.(平淡无奇的销售数据表明需要一项新的营销策略。)

6. The unimpressive design of the building failed to attract potential buyers.(建筑的平淡无奇的设计未能吸引潜在的购买者。)

7. Despite their unimpressive start, the team managed to turn the season around and finish strong.(尽管开始平平无奇,但球队设法扭转了局势,最终取得了强劲的成绩。)

8. The speaker's unimpressive delivery failed to captivate the audience.(演讲者平淡无奇的表现未能吸引观众。)

9. The unimpressive performance of the stock market led to concerns among investors.(股市平平无奇的表现引发了投资者的担忧。)

10. Her unimpressive academic background didn't hinder her from achieving success in her career.(她平淡无奇的学术背景并没有妨碍她在职业生涯中取得成功。)

11. The company's unimpressive product lineup failed to compete effectively in the market.(公司平平无奇的产品阵容未能在市场上有效竞争。)

12. The unimpressive turnout at the event raised concerns about its future success.(活动的平平无奇的参与人数引发了对其未来成功的担忧。)

13. Despite his unimpressive appearance, he had a charismatic personality that drew people to him.(尽管外表平平无奇,但他有一种迷人的个性吸引着人们。)

14. The unimpressive quality of the movie failed to generate much interest among audiences.(电影的平平无奇的质量未能引起观众的浓厚兴趣。)

15. The unimpressive performance of the team in the first half of the game led to a change in strategy for the second half.(比赛上半场球队的平平无奇表现导致了下半场的战略调整。)

上一个 【英语】uniformly的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】unintentional的例句



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