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时间: 2024-09-30 17:55:06


1. He stored the valuable documents in a secure vault. (他将贵重文件存放在安全的保险库中。)

2. The bank vault is equipped with advanced security measures. (银行保险库配备了先进的安全措施。)

3. The treasure was hidden in a secret vault deep underground. (宝藏被藏在地下深处的秘密保险库中。)

4. The vault door swung open to reveal the stacks of gold bars inside. (保险库的门摇摇晃晃地打开,里面堆满了金条。)

5. The museum's vault contained priceless artifacts from ancient civilizations. (博物馆的保险库中存放着来自古代文明的无价之宝。)

6. The thief attempted to break into the vault to steal the jewels. (小偷试图闯入保险库偷取珠宝。)

7. The vault was built to withstand extreme pressure and protect its contents. (保险库被建造得能承受极端压力,保护其中的物品。)

8. The bank manager had access to the vault's combination lock. (银行经理可以打开保险库的组合锁。)

9. The vault was sealed shut, preventing anyone from entering. (保险库被封锁起来,阻止任何人进入。)

10. The secret plans were hidden in a hidden vault beneath the old mansion. (秘密计划被藏在旧庄园下面的一个隐藏的保险库中。)

11. The vault contained the family's most treasured heirlooms. (保险库中存放着家族最珍贵的传家宝。)

12. The vault's security system was monitored 24/7 by a team of experts. (保险库的安全系统由一组专家24小时监控。)

13. The vault was rumored to hold the lost treasure of a famous pirate. (传言保险库中藏有一位著名海盗的失落宝藏。)

14. The vault was designed with reinforced steel walls to deter break-ins. (保险库设计了加固的钢墙,以防止入室行窃。)

15. The government stored classified documents in a highly secure vault. (政府将机密文件存放在一个高度安全的保险库中。)

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