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时间: 2024-09-30 15:48:31


1. The vast expanse of the desert stretched out before us, seemingly endless. (广袤的沙漠在我们面前延伸,似乎没有尽头。)

2. She was struck by the vastness of the ocean as she stood on the shore. (她站在海岸上被广阔的海洋所震撼。)

3. The company's vast network of suppliers ensures timely delivery of goods. (公司广泛的供应商网络确保货物的及时交付。)

4. Exploring the vast array of options, she finally found the perfect dress for the occasion. (她探索了繁多的选择,最终找到了适合这个场合的完美礼服。)

5. The vast majority of participants agreed with the proposed changes. (绝大多数参与者同意所提出的变化。)

6. The vast wealth of knowledge contained in the library's archives is a valuable resource for researchers. (图书馆档案馆中包含的丰富知识是研究人员宝贵的资源。)

7. Looking up at the vast sky, she felt a sense of awe and wonder. (抬头看着广袤的天空,她感到一种敬畏和惊叹。)

8. The vastness of the universe is beyond human comprehension. (宇宙的广袤超出了人类的理解能力。)

9. The company has a vast pool of talented employees to draw from. (公司拥有广泛的才华横溢的员工资源。)

10. The vast diversity of cultures in the city makes it a vibrant and dynamic place to live. (城市中多样的文化使其成为一个充满活力和动感的地方。)

11. The vast amount of data collected will require careful analysis and interpretation. (收集的大量数据将需要仔细分析和解释。)

12. The vast plains of the Midwest are known for their fertile soil and agricultural productivity. (中西部广袤的平原以其肥沃的土壤和农业生产力而闻名。)

13. Despite the vast distances between them, the two friends remained close at heart. (尽管他们之间有着遥远的距离,但两位朋友的心始终紧密相连。)

14. The vastness of the task ahead was daunting, but they were determined to overcome the challenges. (前方任务的广阔让人望而生畏,但他们决心克服挑战。)

15. His vast knowledge of history and art made him an engaging conversationalist. (他对历史和艺术的渊博知识使他成为一个引人入胜的谈话者。)

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