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时间: 2024-09-30 13:55:11


1. The elegant vase was filled with a bouquet of fresh roses.(这个优雅的花瓶里插满了一束新鲜的玫瑰。)

2. She accidentally knocked over the vase, causing it to shatter into pieces.(她不小心把花瓶打翻了,导致它碎成了碎片。)

3. The antique vase was passed down through generations in the family.(这个古董花瓶在家族中代代相传。)

4. He carefully arranged the flowers in the vase to create a beautiful centerpiece.(他小心翼翼地把花摆放在花瓶里,打造出一个美丽的中心装饰。)

5. The vase was hand-painted with intricate designs and patterns.(这个花瓶是手绘的,上面有复杂的设计和图案。)

6. She placed a single red rose in the vase as a symbol of love.(她把一支红玫瑰放在花瓶里,作为爱情的象征。)

7. The delicate porcelain vase was a prized possession in the art collector's collection.(这个精致的瓷花瓶是艺术收藏家收藏中的珍贵之物。)

8. The vase was so fragile that it had to be handled with extreme care.(这个花瓶非常脆弱,必须极其小心地处理。)

9. The vase was displayed prominently on the mantelpiece, showcasing its beauty.(花瓶被醒目地展示在壁炉架上,展示其美丽。)

10. She filled the vase with water before arranging the flowers to keep them fresh.(她在摆放花之前把花瓶装满水,以保持花的新鲜。)

11. The crystal vase sparkled in the sunlight, casting colorful reflections around the room.(水晶花瓶在阳光下闪闪发光,为整个房间投射出五彩斑斓的光影。)

12. The vase was a unique piece of art, crafted by a talented ceramic artist.(这个花瓶是一件独特的艺术品,由一位才华横溢的陶瓷艺术家打造。)

13. The vase was carefully wrapped in bubble wrap to protect it during shipping.(花瓶被小心地用气泡纸包裹起来,以保护它在运输过程中不受损坏。)

14. The vase was a valuable artifact from ancient times, discovered during an archaeological dig.(这个花瓶是一件珍贵的古代文物,是在考古挖掘中发现的。)

15. She admired the intricate details of the vase, noting the craftsmanship that went into its creation.(她欣赏花瓶上复杂的细节,注意到创作过程中的工艺。)

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