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时间: 2024-09-17 13:21:49


1. Citizens have the right to vote for their preferred candidate in the upcoming election. (公民有权利在即将到来的选举中投票支持他们喜欢的候选人。)

2. The committee voted in favor of the new project proposal. (委员会投票支持新项目提案。)

3. It is important for every eligible person to exercise their right to vote in order to have a say in the decision-making process. (每个有资格的人行使投票权是很重要的,这样才能在决策过程中发表自己的意见。)

4. The students voted to extend the school day by an hour. (学生们投票决定将学校的上课时间延长一个小时。)

5. The board members voted unanimously to adopt the new policy. (董事会成员一致投票通过了新政策。)

6. The city council held a vote to determine the location of the new park. (市议会进行了一次投票,以确定新公园的位置。)

7. The senator's stance on the issue influenced many voters to cast their vote in his favor. (参议员在这个问题上的立场影响了很多选民投票支持他。)

8. The proposal was rejected after a majority of the members voted against it. (在大多数成员投票反对后,该提案被否决了。)

9. The election results will be determined by the number of votes each candidate receives. (选举结果将由每个候选人获得的选票数来决定。)

10. The controversial bill sparked a heated debate among the lawmakers before it was put to a vote. (这个有争议的法案在投票前引发了立法者之间的激烈辩论。)

11. The committee will vote on whether to approve the budget proposal at the next meeting. (委员会将在下次会议上投票决定是否批准预算提案。)

12. The members of the jury will vote to determine the defendant's guilt or innocence. (陪审团成员将投票决定被告的有罪或无罪。)

13. The team captain was voted as the Most Valuable Player of the season by his teammates. (队长被队友们选为本赛季最有价值球员。)

14. The shareholders voted to oust the CEO due to his poor performance. (股东们投票决定由于首席执行官表现不佳而将其解雇。)

15. The proposal to increase taxes was met with strong opposition and ultimately failed to secure enough votes for approval. (增加税收的提案遭到了强烈反对,最终未能获得足够的票数通过。)

上一个 【英语】volleyball的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】voter的例句



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