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时间: 2024-09-17 13:04:50


1. I need to buy some kitchenware for my new apartment. (我需要为我新的公寓买些厨房用具。)

2. The store sells a wide range of hardware and software. (这家商店销售各种硬件和软件。)

3. The company specializes in the production of glassware. (该公司专门生产玻璃制品。)

4. The warehouse is filled with electronic ware waiting to be shipped. (仓库里堆满了等待运送的电子产品。)

5. The shopkeeper showed me a display of fine silverware. (店主向我展示了一套精美的银器。)

6. The antique shop has a collection of vintage tableware. (古董店有一批复古餐具。)

7. The company is known for its high-quality cookware. (该公司以其高品质的炊具而闻名。)

8. The toy store sells a variety of children's playware. (玩具店销售各种儿童玩具。)

9. The company provides software as a service to its customers. (该公司向客户提供软件服务。)

10. The store offers a range of homeware, including furniture and home decor. (该商店提供各种家居用品,包括家具和家居装饰品。)

11. The company specializes in the production of plastic ware for the food industry. (该公司专门生产食品行业的塑料制品。)

12. The store sells a variety of garden ware, such as gardening tools and outdoor furniture. (这家商店销售各种园艺用品,如园艺工具和户外家具。)

13. The company offers a range of pet ware, including pet food and accessories. (该公司提供各种宠物用品,包括宠物食品和配件。)

14. The store sells a wide range of sports ware, including athletic shoes and sports equipment. (这家商店销售各种运动用品,包括运动鞋和运动设备。)

15. The company specializes in the production of medical ware, such as surgical instruments and hospital supplies. (该公司专门生产医疗器械,如手术器械和医院用品。)

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