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时间: 2024-09-17 13:13:22


1. The warehouse is filled with boxes of merchandise waiting to be shipped. (仓库里堆满了等待运输的商品箱子。)

2. The warehouse manager is responsible for keeping track of inventory and ensuring efficient storage and retrieval of goods. (仓库经理负责跟踪库存,确保货物的高效存储和取出。)

3. The company decided to expand their warehouse to accommodate the growing demand for their products. (公司决定扩大仓库以满足对产品不断增长的需求。)

4. The forklift operator carefully maneuvered through the narrow aisles of the warehouse. (叉车司机小心翼翼地在仓库的狭窄通道中操纵叉车。)

5. The warehouse is equipped with state-of-the-art security systems to prevent theft and unauthorized access. (仓库配备了最先进的安全系统,以防止盗窃和未经授权的进入。)

6. The company hired additional staff to help with the busy holiday season in the warehouse. (公司雇佣了额外的员工来帮助繁忙的假期季节的仓库工作。)

7. The warehouse is divided into different sections to facilitate efficient organization and storage of different types of goods. (仓库分为不同的区域,以便有效组织和存储不同类型的货物。)

8. The warehouse supervisor is responsible for overseeing the daily operations and ensuring all tasks are completed on time. (仓库主管负责监督日常运营,并确保所有任务按时完成。)

9. The company implemented a new inventory management system to improve accuracy and efficiency in the warehouse. (公司实施了一个新的库存管理系统,以提高仓库的准确性和效率。)

10. The warehouse is equipped with loading docks to facilitate the loading and unloading of trucks. (仓库配备了装卸码头,以便于卡车的装卸。)

11. The warehouse is well-organized, with clearly labeled shelves and aisles for easy navigation. (仓库井然有序,货架和通道都有清晰的标签,方便导航。)

12. The company invested in automated warehouse technology to streamline their operations and reduce human error. (公司投资于自动化仓库技术,以简化运营流程并减少人为错误。)

13. The warehouse is equipped with temperature-controlled areas to store perishable goods. (仓库配备了温控区域,用于存储易腐货物。)

14. The warehouse is located near major transportation routes for easy distribution of goods. (仓库位于交通要道附近,方便货物的分发。)

15. The company implemented a strict safety protocol in the warehouse to prevent accidents and injuries. (公司在仓库实施了严格的安全协议,以防止事故和伤害发生。)

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