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时间: 2024-10-07 11:52:00


1. We went to the beach together last weekend.(我们上周末一起去了海滩。)

2. We are all going to the party tonight.(我们今晚都要去参加派对。)

3. We need to finish this project by the end of the week.(我们需要在本周结束前完成这个项目。)

4. We are so excited for our upcoming vacation.(我们对即将到来的假期感到非常兴奋。)

5. We should all pitch in to help clean up after the party.(我们都应该一起帮忙清理派对后的场地。)

6. We always have a great time when we hang out together.(我们在一起时总是玩得很开心。)

7. We are going to need more supplies for the event.(我们需要更多的物资来准备这个活动。)

8. We have been friends for many years.(我们已经是多年的朋友了。)

9. We are planning a surprise birthday party for our friend.(我们正在计划一个给朋友的惊喜生日派对。)

10. We won the basketball game last night.(我们昨晚赢得了篮球比赛。)

11. We should all take turns speaking during the meeting.(我们都应该轮流发言参加会议。)

12. We are all responsible for keeping the office clean.(我们都有责任保持办公室的清洁。)

13. We need to make a decision soon.(我们需要尽快做出决定。)

14. We are looking forward to meeting our new neighbors.(我们期待着见到我们的新邻居。)

15. We always support each other no matter what.(无论如何,我们总是互相支持。)

上一个 【英语】way的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】weak的例句



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