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时间: 2024-10-07 09:49:37


1. She felt weak after running a marathon.(她跑完马拉松后感到虚弱。)

2. The company's weak financial performance led to layoffs.(公司疲软的财务表现导致了裁员。)

3. He has a weak immune system and often gets sick.(他的免疫系统较弱,经常生病。)

4. The weak signal prevented us from making a phone call.(信号不好使我们无法打电话。)

5. The team's defense was weak, allowing the opposing team to score easily.(球队的防守薄弱,导致对方轻松得分。)

6. She gave a weak smile to hide her disappointment.(她若无其事地微笑着掩饰自己的失望。)

7. The weak coffee tasted watered down.(淡淡的咖啡喝起来像是加了水。)

8. The weak economy has affected consumer spending.(疲软的经济影响了消费者的支出。)

9. He made a weak attempt to lift the heavy box.(他试图抬起那个沉重的箱子,但力气不够。)

10. The weak leadership of the manager has caused a decline in team morale.(经理的软弱领导导致了团队士气的下降。)

11. The weak link in the chain broke, causing the whole structure to collapse.(链条中的薄弱环节断裂,导致整个结构倒塌。)

12. The weak dollar makes it more expensive to import goods.(疲软的美元使得进口商品变得更加昂贵。)

13. He has a weak spot for chocolate and can never resist it.(他对巧克力情有独钟,总是忍不住。)

14. The weak argument failed to convince anyone.(站不住脚的论点没能说服任何人。)

15. The weak sunlight filtered through the clouds.(柔弱的阳光透过云层。)

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